Flight Reader API 2024.5 released

A new version of Flight Reader API has been deployed. Release 2024.5 includes the following changes:

  • Added the following new fields:

    • OSD_DirectionOfTravel
      The direction (between 0 to 360 degrees) the aircraft is traveling based on the change in latitude and longitude.

    • WEATHER_IsFacingWind
      When true, the front of the aircraft is currently facing a headwind.

    • WEATHER_IsFlyingIntoWind
      When true, the aircraft is currently flying into a headwind.

    • WEATHER_WindDirection
      The cardinal direction the wind is blowing from at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER_WindRelativeDirection
      The cardinal direction the wind is blowing from relative to the direction the aircraft is currently facing. For example, an East wind would be blowing toward the right side of the aircraft.

    • WEATHER_WindSpeedKmh
      The wind speed (in km/h) at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER_WindSpeedMaxKmh
      Maximum wind speed (in km/h) at the aircraft’s current location (so far in the flight log).

    • WEATHER_WindSpeedMaxMph
      Maximum wind speed (in MPH) at the aircraft’s current location (so far in the flight log).

    • WEATHER_WindSpeedMaxMS
      Maximum wind speed (in m/s) at the aircraft’s current location (so far in the flight log).

    • WEATHER_WindSpeedMph
      The wind speed (in MPH) at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER_WindSpeedMS
      The wind speed (in m/s) at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER_WindStrength
      Calm, Moderate, or Strong to indicate the wind strength at the aircraft’s current location.